Due to table definition changes in Mekorma build x96, the table maintenance routine time may increase greatly.
The latest build (x96) incorporates a new design to the Mekorma Check Image archive system, that creates a temporary table in order to store the archive history while we redefine the table and later copy the data back for production. This facilitates a new feature we call the Long Term Archive. The feature allows you to choose to copy production check image archive data used in production to ‘long term’ tables to speed up payment processing. Due to this design change, the Table Maintenance process may take longer than usual. To estimate the time the process will take, please read on.
Run the following query where DYNAMICS is the system database. Note for each company there is a count.Total the numbers in order to estimate the additional time it will take to process the Mekorma table maintenance upgrade routine. Observed benchmarks suggest to add an additional 30 minutes of process time per 10 million rows.
Note: We are in the process of optimizing this aspect of the Table Maintenance routine for a future release to reduce the time the process takes.
exec sp_MSforeachdb
' use ?
if exists ( select INTERID from DYNAMICS..SY01500 D where INTERID = ''?'' )
print ''Processing database ?''
select COUNT (*) from ME240457