Mekorma has scheduled monthly service maintenance at 11 PM on Friday, November 22nd. During this time, all quotes, new order requests, renewal processing and key services will be unavailable. All Sales and Support-related requests will be handled in the order they were received on Monday, November 25th. Thank you for your valued business!
Which Vendor Address fields are used by Payment Hub (MICR) to create the multi-line text field called 'Payment Address'?
You may have a report of a check where the City, State, Zip were cut off and want to make sure you allow enough space.
If you want to add the contact information on the stub using Configurator>Add Elements, select the Vendor::Contact Name field and place it in the desired location on the check. It prints based on the contact field of the Vendor. Note: If fields are left empty the report will print blank lines.
The Vendor::Payment Address field will print Name, Address 1, Address 2, and Address 3 if populated on the Vendor card. It will not print blank lines for blank address fields.