Mekorma has scheduled monthly service maintenance at 11 PM on Friday, November 22nd. During this time, all quotes, new order requests, renewal processing and key services will be unavailable. All Sales and Support-related requests will be handled in the order they were received on Monday, November 25th. Thank you for your valued business!
When the PowerApprovals app user clicks to approve payments the following error generates and the command to approve fails: Mekorma_ApproveAndEmail.RunFailed.("Code": "InvokerConnectionOverrideFailed", "message"; "Failed to parse invoker connections from trigger Manual outputs. Exception: Could not find any valid connection from connection reference name "shared_office365' in APIM header"
To resolve the issue in previous cases we found it was necessary to delete the app, flow and connections and setup new SQL and Mail connections, re-import the canvas app and setup the flow.
See implementation guide for details: PowerApprovals Architecture and Security