How do we grant our new user access to use the Mekorma PowerApprovals app?
1. Even though the new user may never actually login and use Dynamics GP, the user is required to be granted GP user security. Refer to the following sections from the Payment Hub user guide for reference:
2. PowerApps Licensing: You will need to purchase a license for the user if there are currently none available for assigning. Please review the following documentation for further information.
3. In the Power Power Platform Admin Center you will need to assign license(s) to the PowerApprovals environment. See the following for details
**4. Login to the app’s service account at to share the app to the user per following instructions
5. Notify the new user to download the app to their mobile per the following instructions
6. Provide the new user with this document for instruction on how to use PowerApprovals for the following:
A. How to Start the PowerApprovals App
B. How to Sort and Filter the Payment List
C. How to View Payment Details
D. How to Reject or Approve Payments
**Note: When adding a new user you must share both the app and the SQL connector to the user per instructions from each link below**
Sharing the App to the new user
Sharing the SQL connector to the new user