Mekorma has scheduled monthly service maintenance at 11 PM on Friday, November 22nd. During this time, all quotes, new order requests, renewal processing and key services will be unavailable. All Sales and Support-related requests will be handled in the order they were received on Monday, November 25th. Thank you for your valued business!
What is the expected behavior when a batch Approver is also a Requester?
Provided 'Split Batch' feature is enabled at the Threshold Maintenance ID window, the payment(s) that fall within the given Approver's level will be auto-approved. The higher level payment(s) will be submitted to the other Approver(s) in the higher level range. Without 'Split Batch' marked, the payment batch will only be submitted for the higher level threshold group.
NOTE: If it is the case that you only have one Threshold range and your Approvers are also Requesters and it is your business rule to exclude Auto-Approvals from taking place meaning the Approver cannot Approve any payment if he/she was the Requester for that payment, this is only supported in Mekorma Legacy User-Based Security.