Error in PowerApprovals: Mekorma.ApproveAndEmaiI.Run failed: {‘error’: ( ’code": ’WorkflowTriggerlsNotEnabled". "message": "Could not execute workflow (app ID) trigger manual' with state Disabled': trigger is not enabled."}}


If you receive the following error in PowerApprovals:  Mekorma.ApproveAndEmaiI.Run failed: {‘error’: ( ’code": ’WockflowTriggeflsNotEnabled". "message": "Could not execute workflow (app ID) trigger manual' with state Disabled': trigger is not enabled."}}



The error likely first presented when you upgraded PowerApprovals due to the Flow being turned off.  

Please follow these steps to turn on the Flow.

1, Log in to the Microsoft site that follows:


2. Ensure you have selected the correct Environment to modify (confirm this at upper right-hand corner)

3.  On the Left-Hand column, click on 'Flows'

4.  Verify the Mekorma_ApproveAndEmail flow is ON.

If it’s not ON:

1, Click on the Flow’s Name, e.g. Mekorma_ApproveAndEmail

2. At the top of the Flows > Mekorma_ApproveAndEmail window there will be a ‘Turn ON’ button.

3. If it states ‘Turn OFF’, it’s already on, and nothing to do. (Note:  You may need to toggle this.)

4. If it states ‘Turn ON’, click to turn on.


**Note: We have seen cases where the resolution was reached upon deleting and re-adding the Flow.