Mekorma has scheduled monthly service maintenance at 11 PM on Friday, November 22nd. During this time, all quotes, new order requests, renewal processing and key services will be unavailable. All Sales and Support-related requests will be handled in the order they were received on Monday, November 25th. Thank you for your valued business!
Where should I enter the Transit ABA Number?
There are two field entry locations for the Transit ABA Number: in the Dynamics GP Bank Maintenance screen and in the Mekorma MICR Setup screen. If the Transit ABA Number is input in the Dynamics Bank Maintenance screen, it populates the Mekorma MICR Setup screen. If the Transit ABA Number is NOT input in the Dynamics Bank Maintenance screen, input the Transit ABA Number in the Mekorma MICR Setup screen. The number that appears in the Transit ABA field in the Mekorma MICR Setup screen appears on the check face and overrides the Transit Number input in the Dynamics Bank Maintenance screen (if there is one).